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Full Moon in Gemini Horoscopes

Dec 16, 2021

The Full Moon in Gemini is exact on Saturday, December 18 at 10:35 PM CT. 

This is not only the last Full Moon of the calendar year, it is a release point for the narrative that has unfolded along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis since May 5, 2020. The tensions that have existed around exploration, curiosity, cultural and geographic differences, are reaching a culmination point. 

The South Node in Sagittarius has been cleaning house wherever it has passed through your chart over the last 20 months and at this Full Moon it aligns with Mars in Sagittarius. Together they invite as to cut something away at the end of this story. There is a drive to run free from restrictions and rules, anywhere the independence and freedom was cut away cannot hold for too long. 

On the other side of Mars and the South Node is the asteroid Ceres, which symbolizes the scythe—a tool for cutting down or harvesting crops. On either side of the story we are harvesting the lessons that we have learned. 

There is spaciousness between the Moon and the North Node, the two points that are driving the story forward in the final weeks as we wait for the North Node to enter Taurus on January 19, 2022. Mercury in Capricorn brings its voice to the Moon and says, you know what you have learned, but how will you use it?

Capricorn is mostly considered to be a practical sign, but Capricorn can also be an extremely playful sign. It is not only the goat climbing to the top of the mountain, it is the mermaid swimming to the depths of the ocean. At this Full Moon I feel that the playful energy of Capricorn is coming through, inviting us to take some time to swim and explore the waves before committing to the transformation ahead. 

Venus and Pluto have been doing a dance with death and decay for the last couple of weeks, and Venus will station retrograde hours after this Full Moon. Venus entered Capricorn on November 5. We’ve been walking alongside them, opening to the reality of where we are but also cultivating an awareness around what we would like to achieve and who we would like to achieve it with. 

When Venus met up with Pluto around November 30, it became extremely clear that something had to finally be laid to rest in order for us to move forward. There might be tension between going for it and worrying about what others will think when you move on. The more you lean into this decay cycle the more expansive it will become. 

Venus will be retrograde from December 19-January 29, and will not fully exit the sign of Capricorn until March 6. During this time we might need to reprioritize our values, restructure our finances, or cut ties with relationships that are serving us on the pathway that we desire to move forward on. 

We might also notice people from the past reentering our lives, as if the Universe is asking, “Is this you now?” “How about this?” You don’t need to attach to any past people or past versions of yourself to garner they medicine from these connections. You only need to listen. 

If you find yourself feeling envy, jealousy, or lack at this Full Moon, pay close attention. What does that person have that you deeply desire? How does that person embody something you wish you could—or something that you know you have no interest in being? These shadow emotions are potent messengers at this time. We are preparing to enter a year where connection will be a major theme, and we must be aware of how our desires and values have transformed. How will that change the way we connect? How can we use these shifts to be conscious about creating more space for our truth and for everyone else to be in their truth? Let go of your conditioning around competition and embrace the vision of a world where there is space for everyone to be true to themselves? Get curious about this as you move into 2022.

full moon horoscopes

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What is a style, Aries? It is a way of doing something. A distinctive appearance determined by the principles according to which something is designed. 

Your style is going through a transformation this season as you embody the role you now play in the world through your relationships and work. Your style is a way of communicating your values. Your style is a way of connecting to people individually and collectively. How will you use your style to claim who you are and what you believe? 

At this Full Moon in Gemini you are harvesting lessons learned and beliefs changed. How have you or will you revolutionize your perspectives on the word wealth? How do you think wealth and prosperity shows up in your collective values? How do those values align with your style? Over the next year I feel that you will integrate what you have come to understand even more. 

For the next five weeks pay attention to the messages you receive around these ideas. Collect these little conversations, items with value only to you, images—and collect them into place that will be a portal to step into the next iteration of you. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



The powers that be set the rules, and at this Full Moon in Gemini you might find yourself serving their agenda and shifting your commitments and priorities at work or with your budget of money, time and energy. You might also be trying to invest in a place or things that bring you comfort—perhaps even a home or a place to live. 

You might be dealing a lot with institutional rules and boundaries and trying to navigate what they need from you by making the good or right choice. If you find yourself caught up in wondering what the right choices are, remember that anything you decide might have to shift at a later time. Being flexible is the most important thing with this transaction. Follow what feels intuitively right and trust that when you are in flow with the Universe, the Universe is in flow with you. I know that doing things in a totally different way can be a little scary to you Taurus, but trust that you’re going to love the community you align with when you make this decision. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



Every year we have one Full Moon in our own sign Gemini, and this one is yours. You are taking on the role of a nurturer at this Full Moon and have to hold space for someone else. There are so many emotions that are arising here. There are so many decisions that you need to make, contracts you need to sign, commitments that are required of you. There are big financial components to the choices available too. 

It feels quite intense and what I want you to know is that it is okay that you have mixed feelings about this. It’s okay if you have a little bit of shame with a little bit of grief with a little bit of excitement. As much as you need to be there for someone else, you also need to be nurtured. You also need to be held. And you also need to celebrate this turning point, which is the final month of a two year period that rocked the foundational components of your life and asked you time and time again to focus on where you want to go. I know that the work you have done will take you into expansive places very soon. Give to everyone you desire—but also remember to take care of you. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



For the last couple of years there has not been enough energy for you to accomplish what you need to do each day. While you always find a way to make things work, you have also felt the freedom you need every day came at a higher cost. At this Full Moon you are starting to get some of your energy and vitality back, and this has you internally processing what you want to put that energy towards in the new year. You might be receiving intuitive downloads that are increasingly more powerful. 

There are so many things that you are passionate about and so many ways you would like to work with other people—it could feel a little emotionally overwhelming. Remember what you learned about how much rest and internal processing you need in order to arrive in service for other people. With Venus and Pluto in Capricorn in your house of relationships, the way that you engage with other people is going through a profound change. You might find yourself thinking about or seeing people that you have not seen in years, decades, lifetimes. There could be sadness there, or regret—but are those memories about other people or you? What did that person have that you wish you could embody? 

It could also be that someone close to you is going through something very difficult and as you have more energy you feel responsible to be there for them, but secretly dream of going somewhere new. Adjust the level of responsibility you’re placing on yourself and open up to connecting more with people that remind you of who you are and how powerful you are. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



Communication is an act of service, and while you might not always know exactly the right thing to say or what the correct decision is, there is a group of people you need to give instructions to. There is a group of people who you need to nurture through you words, whether it’s marketing or providing clear guidelines on what the rules are. Creativity and children might play a significant role in what needs to be discussed amongst this group. 

I feel like there is tension between a more patriarchal approach focused on freedom and lack of boundaries, and a more nurturing approach that is focused on maintaining flexibility while also ensuring everyone’s needs are met. You might find yourself caught in the middle and feel the pressure to create positive, innovative and secure boundaries that keep everyone healthy. Having fun is so important to you, Leo, and you want freedom as much as everyone else. Hold space for pleasure and fun while also maintaining your line. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



The asteroid Ceres, a face of Virgo, is guiding the way for you at this Full Moon in Gemini. Do not give up hope Virgo. Mentally you’re thinking about the next steps required to transform your creations and the decisions you need to make about how people will see the work that you do. Emotionally you are caught in the process of deciding what the best and right way to go will be. 

There is a relationship that is here to support you but you might not be aware of who it is or how it will look yet. Try to be patient, I know that it’s hard, because someone is about to invite you to come on an expansive journey. Someone is about to invite you into their home. There is something unfinished from the past and you know it but you might not know why it’s incomplete or how to complete it. Try to hold space for yourself. What do you do when you are in your own space that brings you the most hope and joy? If an invitation doesn’t ping that sensation, wait for something better. Yes—I said wait for something better. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



You must have the courage to focus on what is most important to you Libra—not what everyone else expects of you. You are ready to cut loose and go someplace. Someplace close, even around the neighborhood, might suffice for now. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to go so much farther. Another country… another planet… a land far, far away. 

Things from the past are weighing on you. Past decisions, past relationships, past creations, past homes. You feel like you should be done grieving this but here you are again. You won’t be able to move ahead until you acknowledge what in fact is weighing on you. You won’t be able to receive the next assignment until you allow yourself to acknowledge what is here. 

You can’t escape it Libra, I’m sorry to say. No one can escape grief—but that doesn’t mean you can’t be in a different environment to tend to yourself. Allow yourself to be held in your own love and the unconditional love of the Universe. Try to find balance (I know, everyone tells you that) between being in wide open spaces and being present with the deep feelings arising from underneath. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



Don’t hold your breath Scorpio. It’s time to take a big exhale and follow the pathway that joyful expansion leads you down. When you hold your breath you cut off the flow of energy through your body that allows you to to receive pleasure and joy in your life. So breathe. 

It looks like there might be some pressure to leave behind a job, but the options for what to commit to are overwhelming. You can see multiple options and the pros and cons of each. Your home or a space for your work is a major factor in the decision, and by the end of this month you will be moving upward and onward. That’s not say that everything will be easy and clear cut. 

You are embarking on a two year journey of change in yourself, your relationships, and the place you call home. It looks like there are people in the neighborhood who are talking about how they could work with you and where you might go next and truly, everyone wants to be in on the secret you have. You always have some secrets up your sleeve, allow your ability to embody mystery and sensuality to attract the right commitments to you. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



Harvest time is here, and what you are taking with you is the freshness of a person who is no longer holding onto to what wasn’t meant for them. You are taking the valuable, timeless connections you have maintained over the last two years. We are here to have human experiences on Earth and you, Sagittarius, have learned more than most what that will take over the last two years. 

At times you have had to sacrifice, but you have also learned where the person you thought you were was keeping you in a space of needlessly sacrificing. Oh, you have come so far—and truly bravo to you. I hope you’re letting out a victory cry! I feel like you are graduating and the book I need to give you is about the places you will go now, having learned what you have learned. Your efforts are going into work, financial stability, but also rebuilding your bank of worthiness over the next year. In 2022 a major theme is connection, and I think you have picked up some expertise that people will be happy to compensate and commend you for. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



With Pluto and Venus aligned in your own signed, you are diving deep into the darkest part of the ocean. Your deepest fears, your deepest longings, and your connection to your original creation. The work that you are doing on yourself reaches far back into your connection to the original mother, the original Earth, the foundation of you. I know that’s a little esoteric Capricorn, and you’re probably wondering how do I use that information. I get you.

The change that you personally are experiencing is one that extends beyond timelines we can comprehend. This Full Moon invites you to connect inward as you prepare to emerge into your season. Listening to these deep, hidden motivations is the tipping point for a powerful period of creation and embodiment ahead of you.

Health, doctors, daily responsibilities and work that you must do has been a major focus for the last couple of years Capricorn, and while you’re not afraid to put in effort day-in and day-out, you’ve been going through a lot. The time of releasing and bringing things to completion is about to end. Who do you want to be next? What must you release in order to step into that?

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



When you feel like the work is never over and your vision is incomplete, keep the faith Aquarius. You are well on your way and you might need to take some time to celebrate that this Full Moon in Gemini. The more you nurture curiosity, the more you tap into the potential of this Moon to be a creative portal. 

You might be transitioning from one project or audience to another, or you might be sharing something that you’ve been creating for the last couple of years with a group of people. There is an audience who is so excited to hold space for what you have to share. In your work being witnessed you are able to release and nurture any shame that fueled your creative process. Allow yourself to be seen. 

In this transition you might review, reflect and grieve your process you have completed. It is okay to feel this way as you cycle from one phase to another. Honor the birth and decaying process in a way that feel right for you. I must tell you that Jupiter is moving into your house of money and values for the next five months, and I would not be surprised if your efforts are met with blessings on the road ahead. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!



At this Full Moon you are looking forward, not backwards. For the last couple of years you have been trying to let go of the image people have of you and create a new foundation for your life. At this Full Moon the Moon, Ceres and the North Node align in the place that represents home. There might be a sense of comfort with food and books and blankets surrounding you, but also there might be grieving to tend to as you say goodbye to a community that helped you become the person you are now. 

You are entering a phase of identity exploration and expansion that will fill any gaps left behind in who you are. You know who you are—but it’s also okay to enter 2022 with a feeling of not being fully embodied. That just means there are cracks ready to be filled. Wherever you are is where you are home. 

Get the collective road map for next year at the 2022 Energy Workshop on Wednesday, December 29. Learn more and register here or learn how to win a spot over on Instagram!

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