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Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

Jul 21, 2021

The Full Moon in Aquarius is on Friday, July 23 at 9:36 PM CT. 

It will be followed by a second Full Moon in Aquarius, or a Blue Moon, that will take place on August 22, 2021. Blue Moons occur when there is a Full Moon that disrupts the normal pattern of the Moon. It’s most noticeable when there are two Full Moons that occur in the same month. We can also have four Full Moons that occur during an astronomical season (the period between an equinox and a solstice, or vice versa). The third of those four Full Moons will be a Blue Moon. 

Another way of looking at this would be that these two Full Moons will be defining points of Leo Season. The Moon is Full when it is opposite to the Sun. This normally occurs once during a solar season. But this Leo Season it will happen twice. From my perspective, what makes this unique is that it creates two Full Moons that occur within the same sign: Aquarius. 

Full Moons bring cycles to completion and provide space for us to emotionally and physically release something that we are done with. With two Full Moons happening in the same sign we get two opportunities to wrap something up. It also means we have two potential opportunities to reap the rewards from the intentions we set at the New Moon in Aquarius. 

The New Moon in Aquarius occurred on February 11, 2021, and it was a potent time of intention setting. Look back to what you initiated at this point in time and notice if your efforts have paid off. What did you take responsibility for back in February? Are those responsibilities you’d like to keep and maintain, or are you ready to take some of them off your plate? 

Chariklo is a centaur asteroid that represents our capacity to witness someone’s suffering. This asteroid has been moving through Aquarius since January 27, 2021, and will remain in Aquarius until April 22, 2027. It has not been in this sign since 1966.  

While Chariklo is in the sign of Aquarius, it invites us to be sensitive to collective suffering. The suffering of different groups. The suffering of those who are on the margins of society. We might raise awareness about these experiences using technology, the Internet, or even medical technology like vaccines. 

Venus is in Virgo, and when the planet of relating is in this sign, we can be sensitive about what is right and what is wrong. We can be particularly sensitive about our health and the health of the ones we love. We might think that we are helping them when we let them know the ways they could live their life better, but it’s also important to let people stand on their own two feet. Sometimes standing on your own two feet is messy. Sometimes messes are where we find hope.

In relationships, we might notice areas where we have been too sensitive to other people’s pain. Sometimes being so concerned and focused on what may hurt someone else prevents us from expressing ourselves and our own truth. Empathy is important and it is something that we all need to cultivate in ourselves. When there are people who need help that we can provide, it is in the best interest of everyone to provide it. But we should also be aware that our efforts aren’t always necessary—or even desired. Where are we taking up too much space playing a savior or martyr, where we would be better off playing a mindful supporter?

Saturn is currently at home in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn entered Aquarius completely on December 16, 2020, and will travel through the sign until March 7 2023. It has been retrograde since May 23, and while it is retrograde we are restructuring the ways that we work together. We are reflecting on our collective limits and boundaries—and making decisions around what rules it makes the most sense to enforce. 

The Sun is now in Leo, its home sign as well. Leo season is a time of courage and bravery, and the will that comes from our heart. Mars, the planet of action, is almost ready to make a quick exit from Leo at this Full Moon, and following our heart might require cutting something or someone away. But it’s not so simple. The opposition from Saturn and Mars has been happening throughout Cancer season, putting a stop to any rash decisions or fast movements. But still, the heart wants what the heart wants. 

Mercury, the planet of communication, is in emotional Cancer. Pluto in Capricorn is opposite to Mercury, bringing an intensity to our thoughts that might feel uncomfortable. There are deeper issues that need to be addressed, but be mindful of obsessions that are wrapped up in fear. Fears about the way things should be. Fears about the way you should be. 

Between this Full Moon in Aquarius and the next one on August 22, Uranus, one of the rulers of Aquarius, will station retrograde. This retrograde will occur on August 19, just a few days before the Blue Moon. Uranus is a planet of doing things differently. Unexpected changes. Uranus will station retrograde in Taurus, a sign of environmental and financial stability. Uranus and Aquarius also relate to collective experiences and change—so while these two Full Moons could cause an unexpected change in your life, it’s even more likely that they will have an impact on our communities and collective experience. 

full moon horoscopes

Read for your rising sign. Not sure what this means? Get a copy of your chart here.


This Full Moon in Aquarius is a turning point for the way you engage with your community and networks. The creator in you is inspired to express yourself in a way that might challenge others, which is not something that you’re normally afraid to do. But this time around you might have a sense that something deeper is driving you while simultaneously holding you back. Are you worried about taking on the role that is calling your name and the ways that others will receive your embodiment? The deeper you go with what you’re trying to express, the more it will serve your community. Don’t be afraid to look at any patterns of shame that come up for you, as those are the key messages that you need to share with others. You’re in a powerful position to make a difference in the way people connect around unique life experiences. You’ve been reflecting on what you have learned and how it has changed your beliefs. Prepare to share your reflections with your community by the Blue Moon on August 22. 

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


What does it mean to be responsible for your own life, separate from the influence of your family? Can we ever escape the influence of our family? At this Full Moon in Aquarius, you might be aware of the hidden ways your family experiences influence your relationships and the way that you communicate. How was authority modeled to you? How were you shown the meaning of responsibility? Is that the way that you would like to enforce rules in your life, or have you now realized that you have different values? It’s okay for you to take a different approach. It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad kid, a bad role model. It means that you have different beliefs than the people that came before you. Lead by example and show how sensitivity to people’s feelings can change the institutions that rule our lives. By the next Full Moon in Aquarius, you’ll be invited to model what you have learned about emotions and caretaking.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


You’ve been learning about something that will impact your daily life. It could be your work or your health, but there’s something in the way of graduating and moving on. At this Full Moon in Aquarius you could get a shift that allows you to spend more time at home, taking care of yourself. You might be excited to have this time in order to do something fun or creative, but only after you get all of the little things in your space just right. You have some ideas about what you’d like to buy for yourself and your space as you head in a new direction. You could get a little obsessed with what needs to be done, and be aware that your obsession over the details could be a distraction from what needs your full attention right now: making choices that support you in living your healthiest life. Allow yourself to explore the possibilities in the most playful way, and at by the next Full Moon in Aquarius your senses will lead you to the cup you want to take.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


This Full Moon in Aquarius brings a commitment that you’ve had to completion. You’ve tried to balance your responsibilities with your partners in life and work, but you’d be lying if you said it hasn’t been intense. You’ve been putting in the work to create something that will be seen by the public. Putting your work out in public can be tiring, but the real costs to you have been all of the work you’ve done to overcome your insecurities in order to be seen. You have questioned your worth, your value. You’ve had to build up your own confidence in order to show up every day. View the work that you’ve done as an investment in your future, even if you don’t have all of the results that you want. Know that even if all people see is the billboard or the blog post—the inner work that you have done is so much deeper and more meaningful. They might not know the whole story behind what you’ve created, but they will be able to feel it. Don’t stop sharing your work with others. Even when you know there are little things you would change or do differently, there’s still an audience of people who are interested in your hidden processes. 

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


It’s your season Leo! The spotlight is on you during your season and your most unique and interesting friends and acquaintances are excited to celebrate with you. Allow your celebration and expression to be the stable, fertile ground for a fiery flower to emerge on the next Full Moon on August 22. It might feel like your attention needs to go to a specific feeling in a relationship. Your hidden thoughts about your work and financial status might be triggered—or it’s possible you could trigger what someone else has been thinking and feeling. What if you both feel the same way? What if you both feel sensitive? Maybe instead of defending yourself and putting up boundaries, you should go deeper and get your true feelings out in the open. This could be a turning point in your relationships, where you put aside the hidden fears and worries in order to foster deeper connections that will change your daily life. Your season is like the beginning of a new year for you. Cultivate stability by speaking your truth and you’ll be on your way in four weeks. 

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


Your life is changing and you find yourself wondering how you could have prepared more. The truth is that you need to wrap one thing up in order to start creating your next plan. You have the ability to be flexible and adaptable to change, but when it comes to your daily life and work you like to know what to expect. It seems that no matter what you do to put plans in place, things aren’t panning out the way that you thought they would. With Venus in your own sign, you might be looking at yourself, your worth, your way of working, and start to judge yourself harshly. You might assume that everyone else sees what you perceive to be flaws. Rest assured that no one is being as harsh of a critic as you are. There are some deeper narratives coming up for you—they might be coming from a childhood wound or from an inherited family pattern. Notice where you are quick to judge your work (and others work for that matter) and see how you can cultivate some compassion with the way you communicate. By the next Full Moon in Aquarius, you’ll have a better idea of how to begin.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


This Full Moon in Aquarius is happening in your house of creative self-expression, and you’ve got something to say. There is an audience waiting for you to share the things only you can create, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been some tension and restriction between what you want to make and what everyone else wants. You never like to feel like you’re not living up to other people’s expectations, especially when there’s a financial component. Keep putting the work in and following your intuition. You’re building a relationship with someone behind the scenes who is going to support you in going to a new level. You might be anxious to let everyone know what’s happening, but also obsessively trying to get everything just right. It’s true, no one knows all that goes into the magic that you create. But that’s part of the fun for you anyway, right? By the next Full Moon in Aquarius, you’ll be standing in your power with pride in what you’ve built.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


You can’t be what you were, right Scorpio? This Full Moon in Aquarius is making it clear where who you were is not who you are anymore. You might be packing up some metaphorical boxes and sending things away that are weighing you down. The foundation of your life, your relationships, your family, have all experienced some shifts as you have taken responsibility and stepped into a leadership role. There might be someone at home who needs to talk to you and get your guidance. There might be some hurt that needs to be tended to. Maybe you don’t see yourself as the leader or guide yet, but you are. Or, maybe other people don’t recognize you as the leader that you are yet. They will. Many shifts in who you are and who you have in your life will continue over the next couple of years—the trick is to not get weighed down with responsibilities that aren’t aligned with who you are now. If you’re not where you want to be yet, trust that you’ll get there, but only once you give those boxes a new home. How much can you can let go of by the next Full Moon on August 22?

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


You’re always learning Sagittarius, and this Full Moon in Aquarius makes it clear where you are moving from one area of study to the next. It might be that you need to make an investment in learning something new, or maybe you’ve gotten as far as you can with your current educational journey but aren’t quite sure where to go next. Maybe you don’t feel like you know enough to teach anyone anything, but you have been in a process of deeper integration. The purpose will become clear before the end of this year. You try to keep a positive attitude, but you also might find yourself picking apart your role in the world, your value, and what you bring to a relationship. Please know that this is an opportunity for you to share a message from your soul. Talking out what’s bothering you with someone you can show your sensitive side to might help you realize that deeper meaning behind your obsessions and critiques. Cut through the barriers by August 22. You need to be heard.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.



This Full Moon in Aquarius is happening in your house of money and resources, and you might feel like there are some blocks to receiving the support you need. Maybe it’s the money from your job that you feel sensitive about. Maybe it’s your relationship and network. There’s something about this moment that makes you feel like you’re not supported. Over Cancer season, it was reflected back to you all of the ways you have transformed and changed. You could notice where the beliefs you’ve held in the past are different now. Different from your friends and loved ones. Maybe it’s them, or maybe it’s me, you might find yourself saying. Maybe I don’t know enough. Maybe I’m wrong. You might be restructuring your work and investments in order to align with who you are becoming. You might find yourself hitting the books, trying to find that nugget of information that will help you achieve your goals. Maybe it’s not about finding the right information. Maybe it’s about sharing the transformation you’ve been through with the people who need to hear it. By next the Full Moon it’s time to pick up your wand and go.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


Every year we have a Full Moon in our house of self and this one is yours Aquarius. But, like we mentioned in the introduction, this year you get not one but two Full Moons occurring in your own sign. This is a moment to reflect back on who you were at the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11, 2021, and see how far you have come. That was a profound moment for sitting intentions and taking responsibility to see your vision through. How has it gone? You might be in a moment of readjusting your expectations and some of the pressure to do so could come from someone you love. Maybe prioritizing friends and health is just as important as putting in the work for your future. Here’s the thing Aquarius—you’re making the future every day. Every day you can decide to live the life that you want in your vision. Is what you’re investing your energy in now lining up with the image of what you want to see? If it’s not, it might be time to shift your priorities. Know that all of the little things you do count as “doing the work.” Keep showing up and connecting with others, and you’ll get where you want to go. 

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.


You haven’t been sure how things were going to come together, but it seems that they have in some way. You might find yourself trying to create a healthy balance between work and fun, responsibility and creation, and while you’re optimistic about who you are becoming and the ways you are growing, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t come with some uncertainty. The waiting can be hard. But this moment you are in is about the little investments you make every day into your education and vision. This moment is about showing up to do the work even when you’re not sure where it will take you. Your community is watching you take responsibility for your transformation and they can’t wait to see what’s next. Keep showing up. By the next Full Moon, you’ll have an important message to share.

In celebration of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer Essence Blend is on sale! Use the code “WATERBEARER” in my apothecary for 20% off all flower essences, gem essences, and the first month of any herbal subscription through 11:59 PM CT on Sunday, July 25.

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