Do You Have a Day or Night Chart?
Jul 22, 2020
If you were born during the day then the Sun will be over the horizon line or above your ascendant in your natal chart. If you were born at night then the Sun will be below the horizon line or below your ascendant in your natal chart.
☀️ Not sure where your Sun is located? Go here to obtain a copy of your natal chart.
In Hellenistic Astrology, there is a distinction between Day and Night charts. This is called the Doctrine of Sect. Different planets are considered to be more positive in Day charts and more difficult in Night charts, and vice versa.

There are sometimes other factors that need to be taken into consideration, but this is ultimately the most important thing to look when you start the process of assessing planetary condition and interpreting your natal chart.
If you have a day chart, the Sun will be above the horizon line. Jupiter will be the be the more positive or beneficial planet in your natal chart and Mars will be the most difficult or challenging planet in your natal chart. Saturn will be a more constructively challenging energy and Venus will be beneficial, but not as beneficial as Jupiter.
If you have a night chart, the Sun will be below the horizon line. Venus will be the more positive or beneficial planet in your natal chart and Saturn will be the most difficult or challenging planet in your natal chart. Mars will be a more constructively challenging energy and Jupiter will be beneficial, but not as beneficial as Venus.
Use astrology to break cycles and align with your calling.
In the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you
how to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart to determine the patterns you are here to integrate.
- How to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart
- Determine the patterns you are here to integrate
- Find the gifts you are here to bring forward
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