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Affirmations for Cycle Breakers

Jan 26, 2022

This year I decided I was going to talk about something that means a lot to me, but I know is not everyone’s cup of tea.


It seems that the more something means to you, the more shame and self-doubt there is to work through.


I had a beautiful conversation with Hail Mary Perfumes last night (recording on my feed) where we explored the relationship between astrology, Earth magic, ancestor work, and Earth healing.


I wasn’t expecting for so much to come through in that conversation. But it was incredibly healing for me to speak about the intersections between these things, which is the basis of my practice.


As I have started to hold up the central thesis of my practice and stop couching it in terms I think make other people comfortable massive amounts of shame have come up.


I’ve been doing this work long enough to know that this shame does not belong to me. It is the shame I learned and inherited from my family about being “weird” and “out there” and “too much.”


I believe that healing intergenerational patterns is an absolutely critical component in healing the collective and the Earth. I know that astrology can play a powerful role in that work. I know that we have to bridge the wisdom of the Earth to the wisdom of the Cosmos, and that we do that through our bodies.


No, that’s not a concept that is easy to grasp for some people who probably think that is far out there and weird.


But for me to share my message I have to release the shame I carry about being too weird. Here are the affirmations I've been telling myself as I allow myself to take up more space with my message. 


Affirmations for Cycle Breakers

It serves no one for me to carry the shame of my parents.


It serves no one for me to carry the shame of my grandparents.


Transmuting the inherited shame I carry creates a better world in the present moment.


Transmuting the inherited shame I carry creates a better world in the future.


The Earth carries wisdom to support me in releasing these patterns that are not mine to hold.


The Earth wants to support me in this healing work.


The Cycle Breaking Astro Class is just the beginning of the deeper dive into this. So many of you have signed up and I am so grateful. There’s still time to register 💚❤️‍🔥

Use astrology to break cycles and align with your calling.

 the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you 
how to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart to determine the patterns you are here to integrate.
  • How to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart
  • Determine the patterns you are here to integrate
  • Find the gifts you are here to bring forward
Learn More

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